Thursday, January 27, 2011

Deals with Devils & Death

-While still running the Space Research Corporation the company sold 30,000 artillery shells, gun barrels, and plans for GC-45 howitzer, the deal brought the company some $30 million dollars’, to Armscor of Pretoria, South Africa. These deals were originally backed by the CIA and sent to South Africa as ‘rough steel forgings’ through Spain. When the government changed suites in 1977 the rules on arms dealings became tightly enforced and Gerald found himself in hot water over these deals with the US government – these deals were in violation of the UN’s arms embargo which made it illegal to sell arms to South Africa. He was arrested and sentenced to six months in a US prison for the deals. On return to Canada following his time served he was fined $55,000 for arms dealing by the Canadian government. Feeling rejected by his home country and stabbed in the back by his adoptive country, along with his lifelong dislike for North Americas bureaucratic ways, Gerald decided to go into exile in the Carribean.
This exile did not last long, Gerald soon found himself in Brussels, Belgium, which at the time was known as a hot spot for arms dealing. Soon after his arrival in Brussels Gerald found work selling his GC-45 howitzers to China and Iraq. He then starting working exclusively for the Iraqis, designing new weaponry and convincing them that to be a real world power they would need to be able to achieve space launches. Saddam Hussein was interested in what Gerald had to say and work began on his next super gun ‘Project Babylon’. These deals would prove, in the end, to be his demise. Gerald would be assassinated in March of 1990. There are differing accounts of what exactly took place, how many shots were fired, and how many assassins were involved, but all resources state that it was the Mossad – the Israel National Intelligence Agency - that were responsible. Also said to be possibly involved in the assassination were the CIA, the MI6, Chilean, Iraqi, Iranian, or South African governments. Soon after the assassination Gerald’s projects fell apart, the gun barrels were seized by British customs, his company closed down, and all that remains of his work are some massive rusted steel guns in the woods of Quebec.
Rough time frame of events: 1981-d. March 1990

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